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Duroclean LLC offers a wide range of expert services to meet all your facility needs. From maintenance and repairs to cleaning and support, we provide comprehensive solutions for optimal operations.
DUROCLEAN has obtained ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) certification and the ISO14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) certification through BUREAU OF ASSESSMENT SERVICES, an ISO Certification body based in U.K having its operations in the Europe, Middle East and Asia.
DUROCLEAN LLC, a company established in 2004 provides reliable, efficient and quality services in Installation & Maintenance of Air-conditioning ventilations & Air Filtration Systems and Electromechanical Equipment, Installations tools and Plumbing,Cleaning, Administrative (office boys) and Janitorial Support Services (helpers) for various industries and trades.
DUROCLEAN LLC, a company established in 2004 provides reliable, efficient and quality services in Installation & Maintenance of Air-conditioning ventilations & Air Filtration Systems and Electromechanical Equipment,